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W hen it comes to losing weight there are lots of articles and sources that can help you achieve that specific goal, hopefully, we can become one of those quickly!

Unfortunately, there are also a lot of misconceptions and wrong information out there that can even prevent you from getting in the exact shape that you are trying to get, some of those can make you gain some weight in the process.

So we decided to try to help our audience by putting 5 weight loss tricks that actually work, and you know why they work? Simple, they are based in science!

If you try any of these and work please share this article with your friends. =)

1. Drink water!

I know this is a basic one... But here are the facts, drinking water can boost your metabolism by 20-30% over a period of 1 to 1.5 hours, so if you drink water before meals you are helping your body to accelerate fat consumption and digestion just by drinking 500 ml (17oz.) before your meals. This simple action can help you lose 45% more weight over time.

Drink coffee for weight loss

2. Drink Coffee

A cup of great quality coffee is loaded with antioxidants and can have numerous health benefits.
Studies show that the caffeine in coffee can boost metabolism by 3-11%, and increase fat burning by up to 10-29%

3. Eat Whole Foods

This might seem another basic one, but it is actually hard to go back to eat whole non-processed foods because there are lots of more "convenient" options at the grocery store, the facts! Studies show that your veggies lose around 30-40% of the vitamins just by processing them into a frozen meal or other types of convenient "healthy foods". 

Whole veggies and fruits contain fewer calories and much more fiber, they contain lots of water which gives them low density to be digested. 

We will do deeper into this in another article.

4. Exercise three to four times a week

Exercise for wight loss
Yes, I know exercise is hard, your muscles ache, at the beginning you feel like a truck just ran over you  but remember nothing that's worth to get is easy, the easy part comes when you actually develop the habit of training, one thing that always works to me is doing the activity I enjoy the most that is Muay Thai or Box Thai, that way is never a challenge to get to the gym.

When you find that exercises that you actually enjoy you can forget about the pain, the laziness, and other things that are in the way between you and the best version of your self, and make some great friends along the process. 

Remember! Never skip a Monday, and never go more than three days without working out.

5. Get more sleep

I bet you heard this a million times before, but here are some facts about your quality hours of sleep.
Studies show that poor sleep is one of the strongest risk factors for obesity, being linked to an 89% increased risk of obesity in children, and 55% in adults. 
What do you call a good night of sleep? 
Well, you often are told that a 8 hour period is what you are looking for as your standard, but other studies show that from 6  to 8 hours is enough for your body to recover, your brain cells to create healthy connexions, and combined with meditation, yoga and other alike activities you can also create new synapses (brain cell connexions).

Hope you enjoy this article as much as I did writing it for you.

If you want to get extra help with your weight lose goals please leave a comment with your email in the comment section and I will be happy to help.


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