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Showing posts from August, 2018


All right, before you guys start all about veganism and why you are never stopping eating meat and stuff like that, please read this first. I am not vegan, at least not 100%, but for a while, I have had a hard time keeping my weight as I wanted, in fact, I actually gained 10 pounds in a three month period out of nothing, or so I believed, the truth was that the fact that I was eating meat did not make me gain weight, but the meats and animal products I have chosen help me to gain weight consistently. When I was heavier I made a few mistakes, the first one was that I was eating all kinds of meat and animal products, without taking in consideration that meat is composed of two major nutrients, protein and fat, everything looks alright so far but the problem is some types of fat can actually kill you like saturated fats, some studies even show that saturated fats decrease muscle mass and create more fat instead. The second mistake is that I was eating the cheap meat tha...


From all the training methods in the world, one of the most popular in the past few years is CrossFit ,  developed by Greg Glassman created the regime back in 2000 and it focused on a variety of functional exercises designed to constantly increase strength, resistance, endurance and overall health. It combines weightlifting, gymnastics, running, rowing, HIIT and other types of training. After several years the CrossFit brand became global when Glassman signed the contract for the first CrossFit games back in 2007, now there are more than 13000 affiliate boxes across the US, Canada and Europe. Many years passed and then an athletic movent reborn essentially in the US, Callisthenics , a form of bodyweight exercises designed to increase strength, mobility, speed, flexibility and fitness, back in the day it was a military practice to take the soldiers to a superior fitness level, now is an urban movement and it is commonly known as street workout. Both types o...


Some of us have very limited beliefs about the food we can include in our diet, sometimes we picture lettuce and more lettuce for the rest of our lives, others like myself when I just started in my fitness journey believed that some veggies and any kind of protein will do the trick. Luckily there are a broad variety of foods that actually are amazing to achieve your weight loss goals. Here is a list of 7 of the best foods for weight loss : 1. Whole eggs They are one of the best foods to eat when you are trying to lose those extra pounds, they are loaded with protein and good fats, they will make you feel full with very low calories. For some time eggs were feared because we thought they were related with high cholesterol in the blood, but new studies show that they neither increase cholesterol in the blood or give you heart attacks. 2.  Leafy greens Spinach, kale, collards and others, they are packed with antioxidants, fiber and good carboh...


The way we perceive ourselves is as important as the way we feel, our body weight and fitness regularly represent a good part of that perception, many of us face numerous challenges not only physically but psychologically as well. Some people that have walked this journey assure that achieving the best version of yourself is 80% a mental game and 20% the real things you have to do. Despite what the media and advertising are trying to sell as the experience of weight loss the reality is that many of us suffer from fears in the process of actually developing the habits that eventually will result into the physical condition we desire for ourselves. Here is a small list of those fears so you can recognize them and it can be easy for you to overcome those episodes.  Fear of failure This is by far the most common one, we all have to face it not only regarding weight loss but in almost every endeavor we try, for example trying to start a business, moving out from y...


In every industry, there are trends that ultimately provoke masses of people to follow them sometimes without really knowing the background or what the real benefits of it are going to be for them. In the nutrition field, the latest trend is The Leto Diet, so I have decided to go over this topic to put some great facts in the table for you guys. Let's start by defining what Ketosis is. Ketosis is a regular metabolic process that burns the fats stored in your body and this can only happen in the absence of glucose which your body regularly uses for energy, glucose is found in two principal sources: Sugars, from fruits and dairy products Starchy foods, such as bread, pasta, and legumes Under regular circumstances, the body cells use glucose as their primary source of energy, brakes down this into simple sugars that are used for fuel or they are stored in the liver and muscles as glycogen. If there is not enough glucose to meet the energy demands the body wil...


For years many of us have relied on diets to keep our body weight under control, eating healthy is hard work especially if you really want to keep those results for the longest time. Some products o dieting methods offer “speedy results” with minimal or no work required, as a regular outcome of this result in the abandonment of your goals due to the low or no visual changes on your body, a tremendous weight rebound rate and of course huge disappointments. We found the three biggest myths about dieting that generally causes these un pleasant moments. 1. Counting calories This is based on the regular misconception that a grown-up consumes around two thousand calories a day on a regular diet, even your physician has probably mentioned this more than once, but the truth behind it is, that only  a few professionals explain is, that the quality of those calories is the secret to lose weight vs the intensity of your physical activities during the day.  I...